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Meet the team
Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB




Without question, the #1  misunderstanding I see with BEB funding of group Health, Dental & Vision benefits is that individuals seem to think BEB pays 100% of the carriers billed monthly premium for these benefits.


This misunderstanding results in huge, and unexpected, draws on a Bands general funds.



Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB




Assuring fast expense reimbursements to staff is my primary goal.


I particularly enjoy speaking with plan members on the many pension & group benefit topics that members need help with.​

Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB



Utilizing the expertise of Canada's leading Benefit, Insurance & Pension carriers provides our clients a multitude of options in the coverage and management of thier group benefit programs.


Our Forensic Financial Audits of each carriers product provides our clients with factual information on the validity of their plans pricing.  With correct and factual information Chief, Council and Band Management can make informed choices regarding their group benefit coverages and providers!​

Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB


Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB

We are a Consulting, Brokerage & Third Party Administration company headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Our 22 year experience allows us to provide valuable insite in the selection of  benefit coverages as well as helping employers understand their  plans financial postion from both the client and carrier side of the spreadsheet.  


Our client services apply to all facets of employee benefits including our proprietary and no-charge, "Forensic Audit" of the financial position of a clients plan.  Our exclusive "TOP-UP" plans are Canada's  first & best  solution to the traditionally expensive problem of providing Health, Dental or Vision coverage where no such coverage exists under NIHB, provincial and/or territorial benefit programs.  We provide the administration platform to  solve this age old problem at price points that save employers thousands of dollars annually. We are a full disclosure firm and, as such, we allow unparralled access by the client to the inner workings of their plans financial position.

Partnering with Canada's leading Insurance, Benefit & Pension suppliers provides personal and family security for your staff  while adding value to their employment experience at your community.


If your community has been looking for effective benefit & financial management of their program, our industry first  "Forensic Audits  -  Exclusive NIHB TOP-UP benefits,  Excess Premium Refunds and, Chief & Council coverage's"  are new and exciting opportunities for employers!



Our Mission


Our Mission is quite simple...

to support our clients with efforts that produce verifiable results while providing    products & services at price points, and from a service platform, unrivaled through traditional channels. 

Have a question?  Need a quote?
Let us know below!

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141 Invermere Street

Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1P7


PH: 204-231-4371

FX : 204-231-4628

TF : 866-660-1466



Monday - Friday 

9:00 am to 4:30 pm


Jim brings clarity and understanding to the intricate nature of group benefits.  His helpful style has allowed my partners and I to protect our families, our business and our staff at price points comfortable to all.  His annual Forensic Audits allow us to confirm and/or negotiate our rates with our carrier from a logical, factual and fair platform.   


Edward Ugrin, PEng. â€“ Managing Partner

Automated Design Systems, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta






I greatly appreciate Jim's professional advice and follow through.  The financial rewards to our benefits program via his annual Forensic Audits have been terrific. Our bottom line premium outlay has improved by approx. $20,000.00

annually as a result of implementing a Hybrid approach to our Health, Dental & Vision coverage.  


David Gregg, CMA â€“ Human Resources Manager,

Procurity Inc.,   Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta  




We changed plan design, contract wording and implemented a Hybrid plan all at the same time.  Jim's keen sense of my staff's feelings and hands on approach resulted in a process that left everyone confident, informed and assured.  Our Hybrid program has saved us thousands in premium outlay.     


Judy Godfrey - Vice President, 

Don's Photo Shops Ltd.,   Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta   

Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB
Kind words
Anishinabe Financial, First Nation Group Benefits, NIHB

It is very nice to be able to speak with one person (start to finish) when I call the "TOP-UP" help line.  They have been very helpful!


The pre-filled claim forms are a real help.  I use "Smart phone" claims submission, made my life a lot easier. 


Immediate payment of claims, full access to Jim & Lori, easy to understand coverage, no complicated website to figure out......this smaller company has made a big impression with me.  Hey, all the cliam forms are right here in the "FORMS" tab above!


Thank you Anishinabe Financial!


Appreciative member, Kenora

I really didn't know what to expect from "TOP-UP" but, I'm pleasantly surprised!  Calling for help is like speaking to a long-time friend, I never feel rushed. 


I do like the simple, straight forward, easy to read & understand coverage booklet.   "Smart phone" claims are so easy!


Flexible options allow ME to decide how I spend my group benefit dollars with no restriction on benefit it!


"TOP-UP" is a neat program that I really like!


Happy member, Sioux Narrows

Jim regularly visits the community and, is always available to us when he does.  We don't remember anyone else doing that.  We enjoy this open access policy.  


"TOP-UP" refund cheques are processed the same day my electronic claim is sent to their office.   Try it, send your claim and then call and find out when it will be paid.  WOW, not what I was expecting!


I feel like a real person when  speaking/emailing with this company. No confussion, one phone number, one department, quite simple, very helpful. 


Yes, I am happy with this plan.


Impressed member, White Fish Bay

© 2003 - 2020 Anishinabe Financial  ///  First Nation Group Benefits, Insurance & Pension

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